Sunday, September 3, 2017

Snapshot: 7A/7C Data and Representation

The seventh-grade classes began the school year by exploring the different ways data can be represented. We collected three different data sets: birth date, bed time vs. wake-up time, and favorite ice cream flavor, topping, and container. Observations and deductions were made on the first two data sets. Students made astute observations and deduced information about the classes based on the data. They made predictions about how adding the data from 7B might change or re-enforce our observations and deductions. We invited 7B to share their data with us too. We discussed the value of representing data in visual formats and how it can help us find patterns that may not be evident in the raw data form.

For the favorite ice cream flavor, topping, and container data, groups of students were asked to represent the data collected in a graphic manner. Students had to grapple with deciding which data to include, how to sort or organize the data so it was easier to consume, and which tool or strategy would best communicate the information. The diversity of representation was impressive.  A small sampling is located below. Please stop by the upper hallway in the Athena building to take in the rest of the posters. We discussed how the same data set can be distilled in so many different ways. I hoped to illustrate that graphs and data sets can be helpful, but we must be careful to ask questions like: Which data was used? Which data was left out? What is the point of view that is being shared or promoted?

We will practice our observation skills and make sense of patterns and representations throughout the year as we make our way into algebra and algebraic thinking. 

We are back!

Welcome back to the 2017-2018 school year. I am back for another year of teaching math at Black Pine Circle. This is a blog space for Ms. Seto's math classes at BPC.  I am beginning my third year and I am looking forward to sharing our journey through mathematics.

My hope for this space is that we can provide a glimpse into the work we are doing in the classroom, and give you a sense of how we are approaching our exploration of mathematics.  My hope is that students develop a set of skills that will carry them throughout their mathematics education.  The eight mathematical practices we will be working on developing are:

1) Understand and Persevere
2) Logic and Reasoning
3) Justify and Critique
4) Model with Mathematics
5) Strategically Use Tools
6) Attend to Precision
7) Utilize Structure
8) Utilize Patterns

For students: this is a portal to access materials and resources for class, a place for class notes and shared documents, and a place to share our reflections with a greater community.

For parents: this is a window into the math classroom and an opportunity for you to access to what happens in your child's day. It can be a tool to connect and create conversations with your child.

For others: this is a place to share our learning and to reflect on our mathematical journey.

I hope you will join us on our journey!